Qustion ???
1.What do you just read?
ans Torrentmove.com [This website am alway to login for download everything ex.music, photo, program each other ]
2.Why imagination is more important than knowledge?
ans Because imagining is the ability of forming mental images, sensations and concepts, in a moment when they are not perceived through sight, hearing or other senses. Imagination helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledg it is a fundamental facility through which people make sense of the world knowledge is also used to mean the confident understanding of a subject with the ability to use it for a specific purpose if appropriate.

3.Why do you seek for information?
ans Because when you want to know something about some detail you have to seek for that information or search more information for have more knowledge .
4. What topic do you know the best ? Why ?
ans The topic that I thing I know the best is Travel Place at Chiang Mai province
is the largest and most culturally significant city in northern Thailand and is the capital of Chiang Mai Province. It is located some 700 km (435 mi) north of Bangkok among some of the highest mountains in the country Chiang Mai has become an increasingly modern city. It has several attractions for the approximately 1 million visitors who come each year I went to their about two time this povince so interest their have many historical and many ancient remains each place have to long and interest information Chiang Mai is the one province to make me very impress.
5. What website do you like most ? Why?
ans google.com . because this websiteit very good we can search everything that we want to know in this website.